Premier Soccer League Held in DPRK

Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) — Soccer matches of the premier league took place at Kim Il Sung Stadium from May 3 to 28 as part of the Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Prize.

Ten men's teams and six women's teams competed in the matches.

The April 25 Sports Team won both men's and women's trophies.

A total of 153 goals were scored in the matches. Eighteen of them were made by the girls of the April 25 Sports Team, an average of 3.6 goals per match. They won all the five matches.

The next round of the premier league will start in mid-June.


Fonte: KCNA

One comment

  1. Ma allora leggendo questo dispaccio della KCNA si capisce che tutti i match dic alcio, femminili e maschili, si tengono al Kim il Sung stadium, come mai non si utilizzano altri stadi? Qualcuno di voi lo sa?

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