Tag Archives: dpr korea league

Concluso il Campionato

Il 29 ottobre si è conclusa la serie di gare valida per la Prima Divisione del Campionato della RPDC.

In un totale di 132 gare, 12 squadre di maschi e 12 di femmine, hanno messo a segno una media di 2,7 reti a partita.

I tornei sono stati vinti sia dalla squadra maschile che da quella femminile del 25 Aprile (10 vittorie e 1 pareggio per i maschi, 10 vittorie e 1 sconfitta per le femmine).

Secondi rispettivamente l’Hwaebul e il Wolmido.

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Premier Soccer League for Torch Cup in DPRK

The men’s premier soccer league for Torch Cup goes on here, divided into two groups, starting on July 27.
Included in group A are April 25, Pyongyang, Amnokgang, Sonbong, Chobyong, Myohyangsan and Ministry of Light Industry teams and group B Ponghwasan, Kigwancha, Wolmido, Sobaeksu, Rimyongsu, Hwaebul and Jangsubong teams.
April 25 and Pyongyang teams are winners in the Mangyongdae Prize Sports Games and the Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Prize.
Taking the lead in group A round robin are April 25, Pyongyang, Ministry of Light Industry and Chobyong teams. The April 25 team scored ten goals in the matches with Amnokgang and Myohyangsan teams.
In group B there were eight matches until now, six of which ended in a draw.
The group league matches will come to a close on August 24 and there will be the semifinals on August 25 and the finals on August 28.
Rodong News Team

Results of Premier League in DPRK

Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) — Men’s premier soccer league for the Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Prize in the DPRK came to an end on June 26.
The league matches lasted for 20-odd days.
The Pyongyang Team took the title by beating the Rimyongsu Team 2:1 in the finals.
Meanwhile the Wolmido Team placed first in the women’s premier soccer league with three wins and two draws. -0-

Premier Soccer League for Mangyongdae Prize Held

Pyongyang, May 22 (KCNA) — The premier soccer league of Mangyongdae Prize Sports Games came to an end. It has been under way since the end of March.
The first round of the league was over late in April.
Finals of the second round of men’s soccer league between the April 25 Team and the Kigwancha Team took place at Kim Il Sung Stadium and finals of the second round of the women’s soccer league between the Sobaeksu Team and the Pyongyang Team at May Day Stadium.
The April 25 Team came first in the men’s games and the Sobaeksu Team in the women’s games of the second round of the league.
The April 25 Men’s Team and the Sobaeksu Women’s Team placed first in the total standings of the premier soccer league respectively.

2015 Premier Football Matches in DPRK

Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) — 2015 premier football matches will be held from March to October in the DPRK, according to an official of the DPRK Football Association.
He said that four rounds of premier matches will be held in the form of round-robin and knockout competitions.
In 2014 premier football matches, the April 25 Sports Team topped the standings of teams in men’s and women’s events.
Male footballers of the Chobyong Sports Team and female footballers of the Jebi Sports Team were qualified for the 2015 premier matches, after finishing first in the division-2 football tournaments.
The Chobyong’s male team won the qualification for the first time, but is expected to demonstrate the power of its new stars.

Hwaebul campioni di calcio nella RPDC

    Pyongyang, 3 dicembre (Kcna) La squadra Hwaebul (torcia) squadra in Corea Popolare è emersa come una potenza calcistica nel paese.
La squadra ha ottenuto il primo posto nella Premier League maschile per i Campionati della RPDC giocato tra dal 20 settembre a fine ottobre di quest’anno.
E ‘stata creata nel maggio Juche 102 (2013) come un gruppo di calcio del Comitato Centrale della Lega Socialista Giovanile Kim Il Sung. Il leader supremo Kim Jong Un la chiamò Hwaebul nel senso che dovrebbe diventare una scintilla per alzare il vento caldo sullo sport in tutto il paese.
La squadra Hwaebul ha fatto il suo debutto nella Premier League maschilenel Concorso di sport Premio Torcia Pochombo, arrivando prima.
Ha inoltre ottenuto buoni risultati dello scorso anno Campionati RPDC e torneo di calcio di quest’anno valido per la Torch Cup. -0-

Premier League Football Matches Come to End

Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) — Premier league football matches for the DPRK Championships finished in Pyongyang.
In the 40 day-long competition, the Hwaebul Team came first in the men’s event with seven wins, three draws and one defeat and the Pyongyang Team in the women’s event with nine wins and two defeats.
The April 25 Team and the Amnokgang Team took the second places respectively in the men’s and women’s events.
A total of 377 goals were witnessed in the league matches with 12 men’s and 12 women’s teams attended.