Remodeled May Day Stadium in Pyongyang

Pyongyang, November 14 (KCNA) — The May Day Stadium in the capital city of the DPRK has been successfully remodeled in a little more than 10 months, under the plan of the Workers’ Party of Korea on turning the country into a sports power.
The remodeled 150 000-seat stadium, located on scenic Rungna Islet, is flawless in architectural aesthetic and formative artistic aspects.
Its auditorium is arranged with red, blue and white plastic seats, reminiscent of the national flag.
The stadium has a football field covered with synthetic grass, a track with polyurethane rubber sheets and all other facilities needed to host international sports games.
Besides, it is equipped with such mass sports and welfare service facilities as table-tennis room, badminton court, mini-golf course, fitness and recovery rooms, restaurant and exhibition hall for exercise apparatuses.