Monthly Archives: novembre 2011

Jong Tae Se: Calcio e politica non vanno mischiati

Chon Tese: „Sport und Politik sollten nicht durcheinander geworfen werden“

EXKLUSIV – Chong Tese gehört seit dieser Saison zu den Kolumnisten von Ein Nordkoreaner in der 2. Bundesliga – der Bochumer Stürmer berichtet über seine Abenteuer.

Bochum. Ich musste wirklich über viele Dinge nachdenken, die während der letzten WM-Qualifikationsspiele passiert sind. Ich beginne zuerst mit dem Spiel gegen Usbekistan. Es war sehr enttäuschend, weil wir keinen Schritt Richtung WM-Endrunde machen konnten. Es gibt keine größere Enttäuschung. Welche Auswirkung sie hat werden die kommenden Spiele zeigen. Das ist sehr entmutigend.

Immer wieder die Todesgruppe…

Eine andere Sache, die mir während des Spiels aufgefallen ist, ist die Rolle der Offiziellen, die die internationalen Spiele leiten. Ich denke, dass wir (Nordkorea, Anm. d. Red.) viele Gegner haben. Wenn sie (Usbekistan, Anm. d. Red.) ein Tor erzielten oder in unsere Hälfte kamen, schien der Schiedsrichter pro Usbekistan zu sein. Ich verstehe, dass es ein Auswärtsspiel war und diese Dinge passieren, aber man fragt sich dann, was Fair Play wirklich ist. Ich denke dieser Trend hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen. Manchmal frage ich mich, worum es im Sport überhaupt geht? Die FIFA spricht immer von der Idee des Fair Plays, aber es gibt immer einen gewissen Gegenwind für Länder mit entwicklungsfähigen Teams. Zum Beispiel waren wir bei den zurückliegenden Auslosungen stets im letzten Lostopf. Es fing bei WM-Qualifikation für Südafrika an und zog bis zu dieser WM-Qualifikation durch. Wir wurden viermal in Folge in eine „Todesgruppe“ gelost. Es fühlt sich an, als wolle man unseren Fortschritt verhindern. Natürlich hat Nordkorea so seine Probleme, aber ich glaube der Fußball selbst auch. Das bereitet mir Sorgen. Als Nationalspieler will man doch ein Umfeld, indem man seine Fähigkeiten ausspielen kann.

Aufgebracht wegen der Fans

Nach der Niederlage in Usbekistan kam das Spiel gegen Japan, was für mich persönlich schon mit vielen Emotionen verbunden war. Wenn man den historischen Hintergrund betrachtet, war es nicht schwer zu erwarten, dass dieses Spiel auch politische Auswirkungen für beide Seiten haben würde. Ich versuche mich nicht mit dem Sieg zu rühmen, aber nach dem Spiel gab es viele Kommentare auf Twitter und ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber einige Medienberichte machten mich echt wütend. Ich bin froh, dass wir gewonnen haben. Es war ein hart geführtes Spiel, aber nach den Regeln ein fairer Kampf. Auch der Schiedsrichter war, obwohl er einige Situationen sehr hart beurteilte, sehr fair. Allerdings bin ich sehr aufgebracht wegen der „Buh-Rufe“ während der japanischen Nationalhymne. Ich habe schon zahlreiche Länderspiele absolviert und bei Nationalhymnen wurde oft gebuht, aber ich denke Sport und Politik sollten nicht durcheinander geworfen werden. Ich möchte nicht sagen, dass ich die Gefühle der Fans im Stadion nicht verstehe, aber das ist etwas, was auch für die Entwicklung des nordkoreanischen Fußballs absolut angegangen werden muss.

Ich bin stolz…

Die Spieler haben offensichtlich ihre eigene politische Motivation und ich denke, wir haben gewonnen, weil wir keinesfalls verlieren wollten und das haben wir auf dem Platz gezeigt. Wenn ich Fußball spiele, denke ich, dass es nicht falsch ist, eine politische Motivation zu haben. Das ist ein Grund, für sein Nationalteam zu spielen. Diego Maradona hasst England sogar heute noch. Man sollte immer auch die Geschichte zweier Länder berücksichtigen. Doch Fußball wird oft mit Krieg verglichen, aber es ist nicht mehr als Sport. Es gibt allerdings einige Länder, die dies vergessen und praktisch entschiedene Spiele in einem Handgemenge enden lassen. Dieses Mal, mal abgesehen von dem Tackling gegen Atsuto Ushida, kämpfte Nordkorea mit dem Ball. Wir wollten nicht gegen Japan verlieren und anstatt dies mit hartem Spiel zu untermauern, zeigten wir unsere fußballerischen Fähigkeiten. In Japan sagen sie „das ist ein Spiel, das nicht verloren werden darf“ und das war der Fall. Wie auch immer, ich denke das „rüdes Spiel dazu da ist, um das Match zu stören“ und „intensives Spiel dazu dient, um ein Spiel zu gewinnen.“ Das sind zwei unterschiedliche Dinge. Ich denke, wenn man das Spiel unvoreingenommen beobachtet hat, traf auf Nordkorea Letzteres zu und darauf bin ich stolz.

…und enttäuscht

Für mich persönlich war es das erste Mal, dass ich in der ersten Halbzeit ausgewechselt wurde, also war es ehrlich gesagt, für mich als Spieler, enttäuschend. Vielleicht ist es dem Grund geschuldet, dass ich inzwischen erwachsener bin, aber ich habe es mir nicht anmerken lassen, gab dem Trainer die Hand und setzte mich auf die Bank. Als ich meine Teamkameraden dann gewinnen sah, war ich sehr stolz aufgrund ihrer Hartnäckigkeit und ihres Zusammenhalts. Ich wäre gerne auf dem Platz gewesen, daher war ich auf der einen Seite sehr bewegt und auf der anderen enttäuscht wegen der Tatsache, dass es andere Spieler besser gemacht hatten als ich. Dieses Mal haben wir gewonnen, aber ich glaube, dass wir noch nicht auf einem Level mit Japan sind. Es gibt noch eine Menge Dinge, die wir verbessern müssen. Wir holten die drei Punkte durch unsere mentale Stärke, aber du kannst nicht allein mit Kampfgeist gewinnen. Am Ende ist der psychische Zustand zwar wichtig, aber man muss im Zusammenspiel mit den Emotionen ebenso eine Basis schaffen.

Gegen Japan lernten wir eine Menge dieser Dinge. Ich hoffe, dass wir daran weiter wachsen, bis auch wir als einer der Champions in Asien angesehen werden. Dazu möchte ich beitragen. Jedenfalls sind die WM-Qualifikationsspiele für dieses Jahr vorbei. Was ich nun tun kann, ist mein Spiel im Verein wieder zu verbessern. Von nun an werde ich mich voll auf Bochum fokussieren, um das bestmögliche zu erreichen.

More support to DPRK’s sports

More support to DPRK’s sports

The Korea Sports Fund (KSF) has been making a contribution to developing the country's sports with the help of overseas Koreans, foreign charities, individual figures and sports fans.

US-based expatriate Ri Jun Su, chairman of the International Sports Fellowship Association, is working to sponsor the DPRK contingent for the 30th London Olympics slated for next year.

Canada-based Rim Hyon Su and other overseas Koreans are rendering unstinting assistance to speed skaters in the homeland.

They have provided them with apparatuses and racing suits on several occasions and made arrangements for their training in Canada, contributing to improving their skills.

Among the foreign supporters is Maarten Boon, former resident officer of UNDP in Pyongyang.

"I've learnt that the DPRK is channelling big efforts into sports, especially into making sports mass-based. Back home, I'll work harder to render assistance to the sports sector of the country," said Maarten Boon on his visit to the aerobic centre run by the KSF during his recent stay in Pyongyang.

The KSF is engaged in a range of cooperation projects including those for building capacities of athletes, coaches and administrative officials, setting up and upgrading sporting facilities, making sports mass-based, developing physical culture for women and children, training promising and reserve athletes and raising a special fund for would-be participants in Paralympics.

By Chae Chol Man PT

Jong Tae Se plot against North Korea blasted FIFA exposure was sad for the spiritual victory

Jong Tae Se plot against North Korea blasted FIFA exposure was sad for the spiritual victory

ZhengDaShi attack FIFA

AP second division of the Korean national team and clubs are very active in Bochum Chong Tese, now on a regular basis each month in GOAL.COM website to upload their own soccer story. The second column in this particular, he recalled feeling a little World Cup qualifiers, Chong Tese said he doubts FIFA promote fair competition, but protection teams, such as discrimination against the Korean team. He also believes that the spirit of the Korean coaching victory to their own sorrow.

Chong Tese, wrote: “This session of the national team during qualifying, I think a lot of things, first from the Uzbekistan game about, you know, we lost to Uzbekistan, which also means that North Korea loss of qualify. In fact, there is no effort to analyze the reasons for the failure. I even fear losing game review, if that would lead to self-confidence hit, but in this game, I completely see the fact that : North Korea is not to please a team in this game, the referee a lot of obvious miscarriage of justice, of course North Korea away from home, to a certain extent, is understandable, can be so excessive, that I had to re- look in the end what constitutes ‘fair play’?

FIFA has always been to emphasize fair competition, but they are always biased towards teams, some of the policy is always to their favor, such as North Korea return to the qualifying draw 4 files, which with South Africa before World Cup Asian Cup is also amazing how similar our challenges are always a matter of course into the commonly known ‘group of death’ which, it seems kind of forces deliberately prevent us from qualifying.

Subsequently, Chong Tese and talked about the team’s World Cup competition in Japan. “After the failure of the impact of the Top Ten, we welcome the rival Japanese team, it is indeed a very mixed feelings of the game. Taking into account the historical background, the game included the political climate can not be ignored. I would not to show off, message from the fans after the game, I saw a lot of praise, but some remarks provoked my anger is the fact that. “

“We won, of course happy, although some rough ground action, but we have been in the context of football rules allow the referee will generally be the impact of home environment, care for the home team, while I want the game, the referee penalty more fair, the Korean team wins the upright. Before the game, playing the Japanese national anthem when the fans boo, I feel a bit sorry that I often participate in international competition, playing the national anthem also encountered this kinds of ridicule. can understand the feelings of the fans, but I do not want doping in sport purely political factors too. the development of football for North Korea, I think we should get rid of this part.

“as a national team player, can play the political feelings of the opponents hold, which is the national team against some of the subtle charm of Maradona still not England still hate it? make every effort on behalf of the motherland is not any problems. Football is not war, to take into account the movement of its properties. Unfortunately, there are people who fight to football as North Korea and Japan is just a football game dialogue, we do not have a foul, his teammates and with the ability and technology in Japan Competition, after all we’ve been eliminated, the burden is not too much, so there have been many exciting scenes of our order to win, from beginning to end the oppression of the other strong, so we are proud to win. “

at the same time proud, Chong Tese is also too much emphasis on the spirit of the Korean coaching staff was criticized by force. “I replace half the coach put down as a player very Shangzi Zun, but I still silently accepted, and went to the bench coach before and shook hands. To see his teammates to victory and burning passion, I always think it is and They fight together, to be honest I still want to continue playing in the field. Although we defeated the Japanese, but I do not think to catch up with them, should be recognized that our strength and there is a clear gap between Japan, the Korean team is still much deficiencies. we just take the mental strength to make up for these and get three points, fighting alone, after all, is limited circles. is constantly stressed the spiritual power of the coaching staff is also problematic. Every time I see accept the ‘spirit can overcome all the’ education of these people, my heart there always appearing Aiqi.

“willpower is indeed important, but strength is the foundation, together with the basis of invincible fighting spirit will, I hope North Korea will become a strong contender for the Asian championship, I will do my best efforts, bringing the This year the national team all the games all over, I plan to only focus on the next club competition, I have to fight to lead the league in Bochum in the summit. “


Breve presentazione di Andrea Fais a "Con lo Spirito Chollima"

Più volte abbiamo parlato della Corea del Nord in questo sito. Oggi lo facciamo per promuovere un libro che non ci parla di politica o di strategia militare, ma – in fin dei conti e tutto sommato – potrebbe farlo. “Con lo spirito Chollima”, infatti, è la nuova pubblicazione della Korean Friendship Association, firmata dal giovane autore Marco Bagozzi, laureato in scienze politiche, collaboratore della rivista di studi geopolitici “Eurasia” e gestore di un blog (Chollima football fans) completamente dedicato alla storia del calcio coreano. Il libro rappresenta un viaggio all’interno degli ultimi cinquant’anni, consegnando al lettore una ricostruzione densa di informazioni e avvenimenti sullo sfondo storico della Guerra Fredda e delle drammatiche e tese vicende internazionali, filtrate attraverso lo sport inteso nel suo più nobile ed elevato significato etico, patriottico e socialista.

Andrea Fais per Strategos Think Thank di geopolitica

Introduzione al libro Con lo Spirito Chollima

Introduzione al libro Con lo Spirito Chollima

Quando Michel Platini dichiara “In ogni squadra di calcio si vede una cultura, una mentalità” non sbaglia. In particolare sono le squadre nazionali a rappresentare sul prato verde i vizi e le virtù di un Popolo, di una Nazione, di uno Stato.

Non è un’eccezione la nazionale della Repubblica Popolare Democratica di Corea : le strategie tattiche calcistiche con cui si è presentata nelle sue due apparizioni alla massima manifestazione calcistica, i Mondiali 1966 e 2010, rappresentano una sorta di paradigma dei due periodi in cui, in linea di massima, è divisibile la storia della nazione asiatica.
La nazionale giunta in Inghilterra rappresenta uno stato in pieno spirito rivoluzionario. Uno dei cosiddetti “popoli giovani”, spinto da un’indipendenza acquisita da poco, da una guerra contro l’Imperialismo in cui si è difeso con onore («un conflitto che, pur se non vinto, non poteva neppure dirsi perduto»1), da un’economia di scambio con gli altri paesi del blocco socialista che poteva offrire una vita più che dignitosa, dall’orgoglio di rappresentare un sistema nuovo. Era un paese “all’attacco”, spregiudicato, sbarazzino. E la nazionale di calcio si presenta in Inghilterra con questa mentalità: calcio totale, grande corsa, pochi fronzoli, tutti all’attacco. Sorprende, come vedremo, il mondo e si fa precorritrice di un nuovo modo di concepire il calcio, rivoluzionario rispetto la stantia tattica dell’”occidente borghese”.
Dopo 54 anni la RPDC si ripresenta alla ribalta mondiale. E si presenta con una strategia tattica completamente opposta. Conquista la qualificazione, infatti, grazie ad una difesa di ferro, ad un bunker inespugnabile. Subisce solo 7 gol nelle 16 partite di qualificazione (di cui 2 totalmente ininfluenti nel play off contro la Mongolia, totale 9-2). E, a conferma di quanto detto sopra, la strategia difensiva rappresenta la mentalità dello stato coreano, dopo il crollo del blocco socialista. La RPDC è l’ultimo paese asiatico caratterizzato da un socialismo intransigente. La vicina Cina si è lanciata nel confronto con il resto del mondo, Laos e Vietnam adottano ormai politiche tutt’altro che socialiste, Cuba, Bielorussia, Angola sono  paesi lontani: ecco perché, oggi, la Corea Popolare si difende, rafforzando il suo esercito, mobilitando il popolo nella costruzione autarchica e patriottica del suo socialismo. E così come la difesa messa in campo dal mister Kim Jong-Hun è una difesa caratterizzata da grande ordine e disciplina, anche il più acerrimo nemico del socialismo coreano non può non ammettere che la caratteristica più evidente di Pyongyang e delle altre città è proprio l’ordine.
In Corea, come in tutti i paesi di stampo socialista, lo sport e in questo caso il calcio è da leggere come fattore di educazione e di formazione, a differenza di quanto vediamo nello sport “occidentale” (nelle Americhe e in Europa, particolarmente) in cui il fattore spettacolare e agonistico è preponderante.

1.Maurizio Riotto, Storia della Corea, ed. Bompiani, pag. 282

Con lo Spirito Chollima: è disponibile il libro!


Sommario del libro:

Prefazione di Paolo Piu
Le origini
Un cammino lungo 55 anni
Albo d’oro
La formula del campionato coreano
Le esperienze dei calciatori coreani all’estero
Kim Yong-Ha, un coreano sulla panchina di Cuba
Lo sport e l’Unità coreana
Appendice Fotografico
Sitografia, filmografia e bibliografia consultata e consigliata

12 € per i tesserati della Korean Friendship Association e gli abbonati di Eurasia
Sconto 40% per chi ordina più di 5 libri

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Premier league ends

Premier league ends

The DPRK premier league football matches took place as part of the National Championships in
Kim Il Sung Stadium between October 1 and November 5.

Eleven male teams and eight female teams played round-robin matches for this year's title.

The fierce competition served as an important occasion to showcase the capacity and potential of each participant and help upgrade the country's soccer level.

With a tally of 212 goals the nation's top-level soccer competition was featured by high speed, well-knit two or three-person combination and daring shot in the goal area.

Running time and distance of the players increased remarkably over the previous competitions and counteroffensives by wing breakthroughs were powerful.

The April 25, Sobaeksu, Kigwancha and Amnokgang teams proved successful in the male division by improving the speed of passes and switchover from attack to defence and vice versa based on one touch and long and medium-distance passes.

Backed by the sound physical fitness, the April 25 scrambled for ball in the rivals' areas to enhance the ball control rate and reset the shooting frequency by occupying favourable positions, netting 19 goals, the highest score among the male teams.

Females from the same club also won the division by scoring three goals in a match on average.

They were the sole team who won all matches in both divisions.

Coaches' role saw a boost during the competition.

Kim Mun Chol and Ri Ui Ham, chief coaches of the April 25 male and female teams, managed to turn adversity into opportunity by making bold decisions and applying a variety of tactics with accurate analysis of the opponents' strength and weakness.

The competition was highlighted by refined skills by promising players.

Paek Sol Hui from Ponghwasan female team set a record of direct free kicks, and Chae Tu Yong from Kigwancha male team scored a hat trick.

"All the matches gave us fresh confidence and courage. Most teams adopted attack-oriented tactics, making the matches more dynamic and unfolding fantastic scoring scenes. They have upgraded their level," said Kim Won Hyok from Moranbong District.

April 25 earned the male title, followed by Kigwancha and Sobaeksu.

April 25 also won the female title, Amnokgang finished runner-up and Rimyongsu came third.

By Jo In Ok PT

Celebrated TV Football Commentator

Celebrated TV Football Commentator

Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) – Prof. and Dr. Ri Tong Gyu (75), who is a researcher at the Sports Science Institute under the Academy of Sports Science of Korea, is popular among local people as a TV football commentator.

His explanation, artless and intellectual, is based on a wide-ranging professional knowledge covering tactics and records of any teams, footballers and coaches all over the world.

Football matches supported by Ri's explanation draw more TV viewers.

Ri had served for sports development of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) before he returned to the homeland. After returning home, he has trained many people as sports scientists and made scores of valuable research findings.

He appeared on TV more than 900 times to explain local and international football matches.

Leader Kim Jong Il sent a birthday spread to him, appreciating his services for the development of the country's sports science.

Old as he is, he is still energetically working for the development of the nation's sports science, including football techniques.